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Re: Ipaq 3835: using building programs and using built-in IR
Sun, 18 Aug 2002 03:39:20 GMT
4034 times
"Bluey" <> wrote in message
How does one compile programs for a Pocket PC 2002?

How would I find the specifications for the IR circuitry to build
a program that communicates with the RCX?

I have an iPAQ 3670 and use the following software with the iPAQ.

There is no way to use the built in IR port. You have to use the serial
tower and a nulmodem cable.

It works great however, you can even download firmware!


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Ipaq 3835: using building programs and using built-in IR
(...) That's not true... I've controlled my RCX, Scout, and Spybotic with my iPAQ 3635 through the IrDA port. I used a demo version of "TV Remote Controller v3.0" from (URL) think those programs use the 3-wire mode of IrDA. More info here: (URL) (...) (23 years ago, 11-Sep-02, to lugnet.robotics.palm, lugnet.robotics, lugnet.robotics.spybotics)

Message is in Reply To:
  Ipaq 3835: using building programs and using built-in IR
How does one compile programs for a Pocket PC 2002? How would I find the specifications for the IR circuitry to build a program that communicates with the RCX? Tim (23 years ago, 11-Jul-02, to lugnet.robotics.palm)

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