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 Robotics / NXT / 75
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Re: NXT Robot Swarm at BrickFest -- featuring Bluetooth
Fri, 11 Aug 2006 23:17:50 GMT
13027 times
On 8/11/06, Brian Davis <> wrote:
   The problem (I think; somebody want to prove me wrong?) is that the "master"
NXT can send messages to at most three "slave" NXTs, but the "slaves" can not
then act as BT masters to still more units. In other words, it seems very very

As I was working on my ruby-nxt module, I managed to get the nxt to
connect to my laptop as both a master and a slave.  On my laptop (a
MacBookPro) I created an incoming bluetooth serial port and an
outgoing serial port on the DEV-B device service on the NXT.  I then
initiated a connection from the NXT to the laptop on Connection 1 and
then initiated a connection from my laptop to the NXT on the DEV-B
port.  On the NXT screen under bluetooth connections, it showed my
laptop on both Connection 0 and Connection 1.

I haven't tried to actually communicate on both connections at the
same time yet and I only have one NXT so perhaps it wouldn't work
between NXTs, but it seems to be possible for the NXT to act as both a
master and slave when connecting to other bluetooth devices... I'll
experiment with it some more this weekend.

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: NXT Robot Swarm at BrickFest -- featuring Bluetooth
(...) I played around with this a little bit, trying to confirm what I've been told. It is possible to have an NXT connect as either a master or a slave, but not both at the same time. I'm sure this is true. Here's what I did: I took three NXTs with (...) (19 years ago, 13-Aug-06, to lugnet.robotics.nxt)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: NXT Robot Swarm at BrickFest -- featuring Bluetooth
(...) The problem (I think; somebody want to prove me wrong?) is that the "master" NXT can send messages to at most three "slave" NXTs, but the "slaves" can not then act as BT masters to still more units. In other words, it seems very very easy to (...) (19 years ago, 11-Aug-06, to lugnet.robotics.nxt, FTX)

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