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 Robotics / Handy Board / 8345
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RE: Handyboard won't run IC
Tue, 20 Mar 2001 16:58:38 GMT
1555 times
I also had the problem that my handyboard was working fine, then would no
longer be recongnized by IC, even after reloading the PCode.  As per John
Edwards' message from a few days ago, I reinstalled IC (in order to get a
fresh copy of pcode_hb.s19), reloaded the Pcode, and it started working
fine.  I hadn't changed pcode_db.s19 at all, but this got my board
responding again.
Strange, but true.

-----Original Message-----
From: []On Behalf
Of Avraham Meer
Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2001 5:38 AM
Subject: Handyboard won't run IC

Hello to everybody,
I have a problem with a handyboard that I have,when I download
pcode_hb.s19 I get a message that everything downloaded O.K. but then
when I turn the handyboard off and on the interactive C program dosn't
run (I don't get the Ineractive C message) What should I do?

        Thank you all,

Message is in Reply To:
  Handyboard won't run IC
Hello to everybody, I have a problem with a handyboard that I have,when I download pcode_hb.s19 I get a message that everything downloaded O.K. but then when I turn the handyboard off and on the interactive C program dosn't run (I don't get the (...) (24 years ago, 20-Mar-01, to lugnet.robotics.handyboard)

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