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 Robotics / Handy Board / 8276
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Re: hacking servo motors
Thu, 1 Feb 2001 18:20:33 GMT
1245 times
Thanks guys(Rainer and Gary) for your valuble ideas. i think i will go with the
Rainer's method because of the simpicity(only
one motor).  any way i  designed my sensor module for beacon finding long back
with three sensors. so now i got confidence
that it's going to work. i haven't tried this with HB yet. unfortunatly
yesterday night i fried my HB bymistake. my 12v  1amp
power touched the HB tracks and blowed something up. i sent a mail to this news
group and started working on debugg
procedure. i will let you know if i succeed in it.  Thanks again guys. you are
very helpfull to me.


In lugnet.robotics.handyboard, Rainer Balzerowski writes:
In lugnet.robotics.handyboard, Gary Livick writes:
It's just an ordinary motor after you modify it to take out the feedback • device,
and you have no idea of where it is pointing at any time.  Maybe you could • have
the robot turn in a circle to find the beacon?  Or use a small stepper motor? •  You
can drive a bipolar stepper right off one of the L293D motor ports.  If you • don't
like either of those ideas, how about mounting two servo motors, one on top • of the
other, with your sensors on top of the two.  That way you can get nearly 360° • of

Good luck!

Gary Livick

raju kammela wrote:

   I am trying to implement a auto recharge system for my robot. i am using • a
homming beacon on the recharging station and whenever myrobot is out of • charge
it has to find the that beacon. to scan the area i need to use the sero • motor.
i never used a servo motor for continuous rotation. and i never opened one • to
see the pot arrangement. so my question is if we modify the servo for • continous
rotation is it still going work as a sero or then it's just a ordanary • motor.
all i need is to get 360 deg of rotation for my scan.  i am waiting for • this
part of my design to complete.  please help with this question.

thanks in advance.


Hi all,

why so complicated ?
Use a pair of gears to double the turn ability.
We had the same problem (to find a beacon) and succesfully build it.
I guess you don't have to be 1 degree accurate, or ?? I think 2 degrees will
work. (You don't have time to look on every degree.)
I have another good hint for you.
Use three beacon sensors to find the beacon.
The middle sharp focused the other two with a wider range to find it left or
If you're interested take a look at our solution • .jpg
(sorry this site is available in german only, but that doesn't matter for
the photo I guess ;-) )


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: hacking servo motors
(...) Hi all, why so complicated ? Use a pair of gears to double the turn ability. We had the same problem (to find a beacon) and succesfully build it. I guess you don't have to be 1 degree accurate, or ?? I think 2 degrees will work. (You don't (...) (24 years ago, 16-Jan-01, to lugnet.robotics.handyboard)

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