Re: Handyboard Kits
Thu, 7 Mar 1996 18:01:16 GMT
Prabal Dutta <{dutta@cis}SayNoToSpam{}>
2376 times
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Dear Ram,
I have not run into the exact problem which you describe, but I have
some ideas which may be beneficial anyway. The first thing I would check is
to make sure all the RAM pins are soldered properly. Since DL downloads the
code without problems, the 6811 is probably working fine. However, it may
be unable to run the pcode if it can't access the RAM. Even if all the pins
are soldered fine, try reheating the joints. If that doesn't work, look for
the same symptoms with the 373 chip mounted under the RAM and finally check
the 6811 itself. Other silly thoughts: did you mount the 373 and RAM in
properly? Hopefully that will help. If not, perhaps somebody else might
have some suggestions. Good Luck!
- Prabal
> We have assembled our fifth handyboard and have run into the following
> problem. (The other four boards went smoothly). The command dl pcode_hb.s19
> downloads fine just as it did on the four other boards that we have built.
> However, when I power cycle the board, I do not get the familiar Interactive
> C and the heart beat monitor. The LCD panel is dim, just as it was in the
> bootstrap mode and the power light (green) is on.
> The board checks out OK, the oscillator is working fine.
> When I hookup other handyboards, everyting goes smoothly with the same
> charger and wires that I have setup.
> Does anyone have suggestions how I might proceed further in troubleshooting
> this problem?
> Thanks for your time.
> Ram
> -----------------------------------------------------------------Dr. M. K.
> Ramasubramanian
> Assistant Professor
> Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
> North Carolina State University
> Box 7910
> Raleigh, NC 27695-7910
> (919)515-5268
> (919)515-7968 (Fax)
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