What a strange coincident. I had just posted the message when I went to my
mailbox to find an examination copy of your text. I immediately checked to
see if your text included any information and of course found it. You text
is wonderful and as I mentioned, I am considering its adoption for a college
level course I instructor. Good luck on your text (see my previous
message). As a textbook author for AutoCAD and 3D Studio, I know how much
feedback from the readers is appreciated.
Steven B. Combs, MS, CIT
Associate Professor - Instructional Technologist
Ivy Tech Community College of Indiana
3501 First Avenue
Evansville, IN 47710
-----Original Message-----
From: news-gateway@lugnet.com [mailto:news-gateway@lugnet.com]On Behalf Of
Ben Erwin
Sent: Sunday, 15 April 2001 7:47 PM
To: lugnet.robotics.rcx.robolab@lugnet.com; lugnet.robotics.edu@lugnet.com;
Subject: Re: Internet Controlled Robots
In lugnet.robotics.rcx.robolab, Steven Combs writes:
> I am wanting to begin experimenting with web based control of the RCX using
> RoboLAB 2.0 but have not been able to find any information. Can anyone
> kindly lead to some resources? I have only the knowledge that this can be
> done, nothing else.
Chapter 21 of my book "Creative Projects with LEGO Mindstorms" (see
http://www.benerwin.com/) is called Advanced Communication, and covers
advanced communication projects, including "Internet Communication with
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