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Re: walker that turns?
Tue, 2 Nov 1999 03:52:11 GMT
726 times
It's fairly simple with a tripod gait.  First, get it working walking
forward ... watch how it walks until you understand what is happening.
Then reverse the action to get your 'bot to walk backwards.  Watch it
for awhile more.  Now to turn left have the left legs walk backwards
while the right legs walk forward ... reverse this for a right turn.
Pretty simple and works just fine.

Good luck and have fun,
- Nick -

Christian Jacobsen wrote:

Has somebody worked on a walker that could turn? Some ideas
of how to do it?

There are probably many ways for a walker to turn.  A simple one is the
"triple gait cycle hexapod", which can walk both forwards and backwards,
in addition to turning either way.


What about making the legs on one side take shorter steps?  Seems like the
Imperial Walkers were pretty clumsy beasts, and a slow-plodding turn like
this would be appropriate.

My $0.02...

- Christian


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: walker that turns?
(...) <De-lurk> What about making the legs on one side take shorter steps? Seems like the Imperial Walkers were pretty clumsy beasts, and a slow-plodding turn like this would be appropriate. My $0.02... - Christian <Lurk> (25 years ago, 1-Nov-99, to lugnet.robotics)

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