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 Robotics / 7788
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Robotics demo
Fri, 29 Oct 1999 18:36:06 GMT
667 times
Hiya all,

  While it was a bummer not going to Mindfest, what I did do was a robotics
demo at a local SF convention in Denver.  I had 6 robots there with me.  Four
DIY types (one used LEGO pneumatics for a scoop) a Parallax BoE-Bot and a
Mindstorms kit.  Except for the DIY hexapod, the two most popular were the
Parallax bot and the Mindstorms, for two different reasons.

Folk loved the LEGO part and the help that gave in building the actual robotic
platform, the techy types likes the multitasking OS and NQC language.  What
they loved about the Parallax robot was the lesson format that taught a little
electronics and a little programming in a very structured way.

I wonder if perhaps it would be a neat idea to follow that task oriented
learning process for LEGO construction too.  Not much electronics to teach
there, but lots of physics, mechanical, logic and programming techniques do
come to mind...

Both of these systems are quite expandable, but quite frankly, the Mindstorms
just has everything out there beat, hands down, for the money.

I am trying to form a robotics club out here in Northern Colorado, and using
every trick I know to intrigue folk and suck them in.  I'm tired of being the
lone roboticist here!  Time will tell.

It is now time to build my cooperative Mindstorms robotics thing.  Seek and

having fun in Colorado,

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Robotics demo
Dennis, your demo sounds great! Please drop in to and maybe copy in a bit about what you did. Please tell us a little about the Parallax stuff and where to get it??? I and others are working on learning materials for Mindstorms, (...) (25 years ago, 1-Nov-99, to lugnet.robotics)

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