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Re: Best Price for Mindstorms
Tue, 10 Nov 1998 20:37:32 GMT
2902 times
Once upon a time, wrote:

How about this.
Our local Learningsmith has them for $199.   I also received a 20% off coupon
from them this weekend.  Thats $160 with the coupon.  I don't think it gets
better than that.

We did the same thing.  My SLSO says we got the coupon because we
signed up for their mailing list.  If that's the case, everyone should
go to the nearest Learningsmith, and register at the counter.

I haven't found a website for Learningsmith yet. :(


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  Re: Best Price for Mindstorms
How about this. Our local Learningsmith has them for $199. I also received a 20% off coupon from them this weekend. Thats $160 with the coupon. I don't think it gets better than that. DAN (26 years ago, 10-Nov-98, to lugnet.robotics)

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