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Re: Machina Speculatrix Reproduction
Tue, 2 Mar 1999 16:04:06 GMT
Alex Wetmore <alex@phred*SayNoToSpam*.org>
1242 times
From: Stephan B. Wessels <>
Using one motor for propulsion and turning has the added limitation that • you
cannot turn and roll at the same time.  However, I suspect that most • software is
written with these two activities handled in a sequential fashion anyhow. • For
the turtle robot this would also free up the touch sensor dedicated to • detecting
rotation over travel.  I do recommend that a rotation sensor be used for • the
steering feedback, although you could work something out clever there as • well
but just not as accurate.

If you read the article about this robot you can see that it did use forward
and turning motion at the same time.  For instance when searching it would
turn the pivot motor at half the rate of the drive motor.  There was another
state when it did the opposite.

I think that the main hope for duplicating his robot using one motor would
be to have motor reverse control a gearbox, shifting between the three or
four states, and motor forward doing the propulsion.  I'm not sure that its
worth the effort to do this, but it could be a fun mechanical project.


Did you check the web site first?:

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Machina Speculatrix Reproduction
That's pretty interesting. Actually I think the builder missed a genuine opportunity at an advancement. A tri-cycle driving front end approach with 360 degree turn swivel allows the entire robot roving control to be done with ONE motor. Use a large (...) (26 years ago, 2-Mar-99, to lugnet.robotics)

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