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 Robotics / 28009
28008  |  28010
ROBOLAB 2.5.4C Patch
Sun, 12 Apr 2020 11:03:59 GMT
18305 times
In lugnet.robotics, Chio Siong Soh wrote:
In lugnet.robotics, Andrew Meyer wrote:
My FLL team is seriously considering the purchase of ROBOLAB 2.5.4. However, we
were wondering if TLG might be going to release a new version of it by fall. If
they are, we won't buy this version, and just wait for the new one. If anyone
has news about a potential update to 2.5.4 by fall 2006, please let us know, so
we can get the newest version.

There's a patch to update ROBOLAB 2.5.4 here:

"The ROBOLAB 2.5.4 C Patch fixes a number of bugs in ROBOLAB 2.5.4. Once
patched, users officially have ROBOLAB 2.5.4 C."


Hello everyone,

I know this is an old message but I'm looking for the ROBOLAB 2.5.4 C patch to
update my original software 2.5.4 and the link described above does not work :(

If someone still have this installation patch and can share with us, please let
me know.

A. Santos

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: ROBOLAB 2.5.4C Patch
(...) https://web.archive....4012/(URL) (4 years ago, 22-Mar-21, to lugnet.robotics)

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