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Re: Bluetooth and windows 2000
lugnet.robotics, lugnet.robotics.nxt
Sun, 24 Dec 2006 03:48:14 GMT
7744 times
I am using a Compaq (HP) nc8000 laptop which has a built-in BT device and it
works fine with Windows 2000, so BT should be OK on W2K (with the right

"Patrick Levy" <> wrote in message

I am using the Lego software with Windows 2000, and there is OK, I had no
problem either on installation or using it.

But before I buy a bluetooth dongle, i want to know if anybody is using
bluetooth with windows 2000, or if it is impossible at the momment.



Message is in Reply To:
  Bluetooth and windows 2000
Hi, I am using the Lego software with Windows 2000, and there is OK, I had no problem either on installation or using it. But before I buy a bluetooth dongle, i want to know if anybody is using bluetooth with windows 2000, or if it is impossible at (...) (18 years ago, 21-Oct-06, to lugnet.robotics, lugnet.robotics.nxt)

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