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Re: NXT retail or education version - which are you going to buy and why?
Fri, 31 Mar 2006 18:50:13 GMT
2615 times
In lugnet.robotics, Ben Fleskes wrote:
I am really excited to get my hands on a NXT and will order on April 1.  But
where to order it from. LEGO S@H or LEGO Education.

The following site has some good comparisons:

Since I'd like to get it sooner rather them later, I'm inclined to go retail,
but the education version seems to have some nice features.

My question to others:  Which version are you going to buy and why?

Another important feature of the education version is the 3 RCX converter

But AFAIK, you can only pre-order from the lego retail store. So thats the one
I'm going to get. If I could wait, I'd get the education version. As it is, I'm
sure they'll sell the cables, charger, and battery separately, I'll get those as
soon as they are available.

Message is in Reply To:
  NXT retail or education version - which are you going to buy and why?
I am really excited to get my hands on a NXT and will order on April 1. But where to order it from. LEGO S@H or LEGO Education. The following site has some good comparisons: (URL) I'd like to get it sooner rather them later, I'm inclined to go (...) (19 years ago, 30-Mar-06, to lugnet.robotics)

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