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Re: RoboLab vs. RIS 2.0 - real difference in capabilities?
Thu, 30 Mar 2006 19:33:36 GMT
2814 times
In lugnet.robotics, Jeff Garbers wrote:
   Please pardon if this is an oft-discussed issue... like anything dealing with programming languages, it’s probably a hot-button for some folks, but here goes.

It certainly is ;-) I made the same mistake about a year ago, but everyone’s gotta do it once...

   Before I go down that path, though, I’d like to know what are the *specific* things that you can do with RoboLab that you can’t with RIS 2.0?

See below

   Anybody used both of these?

Indeed, I have.

   In particular, has anybody switched from RIS to RoboLab because they ran into a wall with RIS that they couldn’t overcome? Conversely, are there specific features of RIS 2.0 that RoboLab can’t match (like “My Big Blocks”, for example)?

Yes, switched. No, every function I’ve used, ever, has been easier to use/more powerful in ROBOLAB than in RIS.

List of capabilities that I’ve used:

-)subroutines/subVI’s--MyBlocks pretend to be, but are not as easy to use or as customizable

-)modifiers--by attaching the various arguments to functions outside of the functions (something you complained about), the ability to rapidly change values is significantly improved. (RIS requires you to pass through a wizard to change values)

-)task splits--an almost unanswered (in RIS) function from ROBOLAB, allowing you to, say, change sounds while driving, or raise a forklift as you turn.

-)flowchart design--another thing you complained about, I find far more useful to debug than the stacks of RIS, because I can drag segments around to show the logical progression of the code

-)printing--RIS does not allow the printing of code, ROBOLAB does, good for impressing FLL judges and the fellows at school.

-)Investigator--unanswered by RIS, allows gathering of data from any sensors or variables, charting of said data, and simple manipulation thereof. Good for matching motors, charting room data, and other data-logging tasks.

-)internet control/programming--I run a small, ethernet-based program at a local elementary school that allows the students to directly control the robot in another room from their computers. Can be applied to the Web, too, for webcam ‘bots and such.

-)support for home-brew sensors--RIS has no provisions for home-brew sensors, ROBOLAB does. I use my own ultrasonic-rangefinder, and this is important. I don’t wanna use the percentage levels of a light sensor, I wanna read the 0-1024 range of the port.

-)ULTIMATE ROBOLAB--by far, hands-down, the most important thing I’ve used. This is a bit of software (lot of software?) available from Tufts for free that, in essence, takes ROBOLAB down nearly to the H8 level. Good for anyone who wants to do anything with the RCX. NOT FLL-LEGAL

This is all I can think of at the moment. Good luck!

Andrew Meyer

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  RoboLab vs. RIS 2.0 - real difference in capabilities?
Please pardon if this is an oft-discussed issue... like anything dealing with programming languages, it's probably a hot-button for some folks, but here goes. I've tried both RoboLab and RIS for a while, and I found RIS to be much easier to use. (...) (19 years ago, 30-Mar-06, to lugnet.robotics, FTX)

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