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 Robotics / 25135
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Re: NXT and bluetooth enabled phones
Thu, 12 Jan 2006 13:38:11 GMT
Kyle McDonald <KYLE.MCDONALD@SUNspamcake.COM>
2346 times
Matthew Ruschmann wrote:
"Lund demonstrated, for example, how with his Bluetooth phone, he could direct
the movement of one of the robots. Then he showed how the robot was programmed
so that when it moved and bumped into something, it would send a signal to his
phone directing it to snap a digital photograph."

Ugh.. she mentions communicating to the NXT with J2ME on your phone.
Seriously depressing that I might have to learn Java.  That is one
bandwagon that I have long avoided.
I'm curious... What is it about java that you want to avoid? Is it just
that you perceive it as a band wagon that everyone and their brother is
jumping on to look cool?

I can see that about it. And things like that have made me avoid things
in the past too, so I don't blame you. However once I actually looked
into Java, and started to use it, I wished I had used it sooner.  Anyway
to each his own... I was just curious.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: NXT and bluetooth enabled phones
(...) My current project involves dealing with mobile devices and understanding their development frameworks. I have found J2ME to be an excellent platform to develop apps but is still not quite complete. The issue is mobile devices have gotten more (...) (19 years ago, 12-Jan-06, to lugnet.robotics)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: NXT and bluetooth enabled phones
(...) Ugh.. she mentions communicating to the NXT with J2ME on your phone. Seriously depressing that I might have to learn Java. That is one bandwagon that I have long avoided. ---...--- Matthew C. Ruschmann (URL) (19 years ago, 12-Jan-06, to lugnet.robotics)

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