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Re: RCX and R/C combined
Mon, 11 Apr 2005 20:24:52 GMT
1328 times
In lugnet.robotics, Steve Lane wrote:
I've just been experimenting with my RCX to see if it can sense the output from
the Lego RC unit.

The experiment was fairly successful, I was just wondering though if putting 9v
into a sensor port does it any good. Are their any risks in making such a

I got a beep when I applied negative current.

Any thoughts?

Another thought on this...  I just remembered an earlier posting I made about
sensing the output of the RC receiver with an RCX.  It uses a micromotor and a
rotation sensor as a "buffer" for the signal.  In this way you can detect both
forward & reverse, as well as in-between speeds using only Lego components.
Here's the link (with pictures):

So, hooking up a couple of these "buffers" (one to the main RC output and one to
the auxillary RC output) and a seperate rotation sensor to the RC steering servo
output, an RCX could decode all three channels from the RC receiver.  (I realize
Mark Bellis' reply inferred this, but I thought the pictures might be useful in
visualizing things a bit more...)


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: RCX and R/C combined
(...) That sounds really great. I think I'll try that, I even have all the parts!! I wanted to be able to sense all seven states, and I didn't really want to use a non-purist solution, so this system is perfect. Now if someone could design a (...) (20 years ago, 11-Apr-05, to lugnet.robotics)

Message is in Reply To:
  RCX and R/C combined
I've just been experimenting with my RCX to see if it can sense the output from the Lego RC unit. The experiment was fairly successful, I was just wondering though if putting 9v into a sensor port does it any good. Are their any risks in making such (...) (20 years ago, 8-Apr-05, to lugnet.robotics)

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