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 Robotics / 22241
22240  |  22242
Re: Control Interface, rcx 1.0 and other items
Sun, 22 Feb 2004 13:57:45 GMT
1018 times
i'd be very interested in a couple of RCXs as long as theyre the right
price ;)

Eric wrote:
May-be this is off-topic in here but for the ones who are interested to buy;
I might be able to get some used but almost new (demo) Mindstorms items:
some RCX 1.0 (with powerjack) , a Lego Dacta Control Interface, some IR
serial Towers, Serial-to-Mac-cabels and different sensors.


Message is in Reply To:
  Control Interface, rcx 1.0 and other items
May-be this is off-topic in here but for the ones who are interested to buy; I might be able to get some used but almost new (demo) Mindstorms items: some RCX 1.0 (with powerjack) , a Lego Dacta Control Interface, some IR serial Towers, (...) (21 years ago, 22-Feb-04, to lugnet.robotics)

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