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 Robotics / 18830
  SV: Brainstorms
There is a description including PCB and parts list of how to make an RCX to I2C interface in the Elector Electronics magazine No. 309,APRIL 2002: (URL) overview: I2C Interface for Lego RCX 'Brick' (Parts List) It has, by now, become well known that (...) (23 years ago, 31-Aug-02, to lugnet.robotics)
  i2c protocol with the rcx (was Brainstorms)
Hi, I tested the RCX-to-I2C-board from Elector Electronics. I think it's very good for educating and experimenting where the user learns very much about the protocol and function of the i2c bus. (...) Yes, it's right .... you can use the RCX to (...) (23 years ago, 31-Aug-02, to lugnet.robotics)

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