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 Robotics / 17411
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Re: Single acting pneumatics with spring return
lugnet.technic, lugnet.robotics
Thu, 7 Mar 2002 00:04:17 GMT
185 times
Its really just the opposite of compressing air.

True, but there is one notable difference, as others have pointed out

When compressiong air, the pressure difference is limited only by
implementation details. The pressure inside the tank usually is not just
slightly higher than outside, but multiple times the outside pressure.

When removing air from the tank, the theoretical limit for pressure
difference between inside and outside is the atmospheric pressure itself.
And real implementations  in the price range we are talking don't even get
near that, so the amount of energy you can store by sucking air out of an
air tank is very limited.

If I pump most
of the air out to start, the robot can climb about 6 steps before
needing a recharge. I suppose it would work without the air tanks, but
not as well:)

I suppose it would work even better if you could figure a way to use
pressure instead of vacuum. But that may not be feasible ...



Message is in Reply To:
  Single acting pneumatics with spring return
Hello again, I think I should have another go at this... I wanted to say "Check this out, I found an interesting application for the old pneumatic cylinders" What it came out sounding like was "Mr. Soh was wrong! Look at me prove him wrong!" Sorry (...) (23 years ago, 6-Mar-02, to lugnet.technic, lugnet.robotics)

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