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 Robotics / 15780
    WinVLL released —Shigeru Makino
   Hi, all ! I wrote a simple free software named WinVLL for Windows95/98/Me/2000. This program tool for the LEGO MicroSCOUT (included DDK or DSDK) to control or programming. The USB LEGO infrared tower and optical fiber (included RIS2.0) are required, (...) (23 years ago, 22-Jul-01, to lugnet.robotics,, lugnet.robotics.microscout, lugnet.robotics.vll)
        Re: WinVLL released —Dean Husby
     (...) VERY nice! This is what LEGO should have supplied with the MICRO-Scouts! We do not as yet have the 2.0's, can you explain what the tower can do and what it's like? Thanks Dean (23 years ago, 22-Jul-01, to lugnet.robotics,, lugnet.robotics.microscout, lugnet.robotics.vll)
         Re: WinVLL released —Shigeru Makino
     (...) Thanks. I think so. (...) There are the same points between USB IR Tower and COM IR TOWER, but there are also different points. USB IR Tower can transmit VLL. USB IR TOWER does not echo back the transmitting contents like COM IR TOWER. For (...) (23 years ago, 23-Jul-01, to lugnet.robotics,, lugnet.robotics.microscout, lugnet.robotics.vll)
        Re: WinVLL released —Shigeru Makino
   Hi, all: Do you enjoy my WinVLL ? Now I need your help. I try the WinVLL to the multilingual program. But I have Japanese Ed. Windows only. Would you help me to destribute non-English nor Japanese Ed. Winvll.ini file. Please visit for datailes: (...) (23 years ago, 12-Aug-01, to lugnet.robotics,, lugnet.robotics.microscout, lugnet.robotics.vll)
        Re: WinVLL released —Shigeru Makino
   Rainer Balzerowski sends me German version ini file. I am very happy. I append it to the archive. I am looking forward to receive other languages ini files. Thank you. (URL) (23 years ago, 14-Aug-01, to lugnet.robotics,, lugnet.robotics.microscout, lugnet.robotics.vll)
        Re: WinVLL released —Shigeru Makino
   I received the Italian version Winvll.ini from Stefano Maffulli. Thank you, Stefano. I append it to the archive. And I wrote how to make VLL Probe page today. You can use the Winvll without USB Tower (RIS2.0). Please visit again my page. Now there (...) (23 years ago, 15-Aug-01, to lugnet.robotics,, lugnet.robotics.microscout, lugnet.robotics.vll)
        Re: WinVLL released —Shigeru Makino
   I received the Dutch (Nederlands) version Winvll.ini from Michiel Helsloot. Thank you, Michiel. I append it to the archive. Now there are English, German, Italian, Dutch and Japanese version. And I added new ini entry [ERROR] for "Cannot open USB (...) (23 years ago, 15-Aug-01, to lugnet.robotics,, lugnet.robotics.microscout, lugnet.robotics.vll)
        Re: WinVLL released —Shigeru Makino
   I received Danish version Winvll.ini from Thomas Christiansent. Thank you, Thomas. I append it to the archive. We get the mother tongue of the LEGO :) There are English, German, Italian, Dutch, Danish and Japanese version in this archive. (URL) (23 years ago, 15-Aug-01, to lugnet.robotics,, lugnet.robotics.microscout, lugnet.robotics.vll)
        Re: WinVLL released —Shigeru Makino
   I received French version Winvll.ini from Marc Klein. I thank all your contribution. I append it to the archive. There are English, German, Italian, Dutch, Danish, French and Japanese version in this archive. Is there who can write Spanish, (...) (23 years ago, 16-Aug-01, to lugnet.robotics,, lugnet.robotics.microscout, lugnet.robotics.vll)
        Re: WinVLL released —Shigeru Makino
   I received Spanish and Basque versions Winvll.ini from Koldo Olaskoaga. I thank you, Koldo. (URL) (23 years ago, 19-Aug-01, to lugnet.robotics,, lugnet.robotics.microscout, lugnet.robotics.vll)

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