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 Robotics / 13868
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Getting lejos running -- anyone advise?
Thu, 11 Jan 2001 23:46:24 GMT
Simon Brooke <>
1100 times
I'm trying to get lejos running on my RCX, and having difficulty. I've
downloaded lejos 1.0.0 beta 3 from <URL:>, and
followed the instructions from the README exactly, but I get no joy.

I can do lejosfirmdl, and this seems to complete OK, either with or without
the -f flag:

bash-2.03$ lejosfirmdl -f
Use --help for options.
Transferring "Fast Download Image" to RCX...
"/home/simon/notes/projects/lego/lejos_1_0_0beta3/bin/../bin/lejos.srec" to

After dowloading firmware I get a number between 0085 0 and 0080 0 on the
display which I presume is my battery level.

However when I try to send the 'View' example or the 'HelloWorld example, I
get the following, consistently:

bash-2.03$ lejos View
transfer data: RCX says there's an error.
lejosrun: returned status 1.

If I try it again I get

bash-2.03$ lejos View
lejosrun: returned status 1.
Unexpected response from RCX. The RCX either doesn't have valid leJOS
firmware or it is not in program-download mode. (lejosfirmdl downloads

and the display shows 0001 0

I've also tried lejos -o View.bin followed by lejosrun View.bin.
The compilation of the binary worked fine, the download to the RCX failed
with the same error.

My RCX is a 1.0, serial number 039267; it has previously run nqc 1.3 and
legos 0.1.4, 0.1.7 and 0.2.3, all successfully. I'm running Debian potato on
a Linux 2.2.17 kernel; my JDK is Sun JDK 1.2.2. Any ideas what I should try?



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