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 Robotics / 12168
    Re: Lego Breaks —Steve Baker
   (...) Hmm - how about sitting the camera on a stand over your work area and having your computer take a photo (say) every second while you "do" Lego? (We need a verb for Lego you know)...So there would eventually be an online movie showing (...) (24 years ago, 18-Aug-00, to lugnet.robotics)
        Lego verb (was: Lego Breaks) —Simon Bogaert
   (...) I suggest we just stick to the simple form to "Lego"(I/You/We/They Lego; He Legoes). After all, Lego is the first person single (the "I-form"; describing grammar in a foreign language isn't simple, you know ...) of the Latin verb "legere", (...) (24 years ago, 21-Aug-00, to lugnet.robotics)

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