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Mars Expansion Set photos
Wed, 8 Mar 2000 20:45:14 GMT
905 times
Just got my Mars Expansion Set.  What to say...  The CD Rom is definately
the "special feature".  Looks like a set that was supposed to be something
else and was pared down again and again until it was released.  The box
was nearly smashed to a pancake by the USPS, but it survived inside with
just some dents.  I took some large resolution photos, sorry about the
back page, it was a hand held grab shot with my camera on the lanai, but
it gives an idea of what survived to be released in this expansion pack.

Also Pitsco's catalog I just got lists the yellow gear boxes.  Also I notice
a tech support page for Mars Expansion Pack, quite detailed on a large
number of problems in installing the CD ROM, has appeared on the Lego
Mindstorms site.

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