| | Re: Multiple Motors/Synchronizing Movement
(...) I recently had a MOC where I wanted to do something similar (only 2 axes though). After spending a little while on it, I gave up, and just moved both axes at the same speed until both reached their target. Means they usually arrive at (...) (12 years ago, 9-Oct-12, to lugnet.robotics.nxt)
| | Re: Multiple Motors/Synchronizing Movement
(...) That sounds like a sensible solution. Play well, Jacob (12 years ago, 24-Sep-12, to lugnet.robotics.nxt)
| | Multiple Motors/Synchronizing Movement
Hi all, I'm only just now making the transition from RCX to NXT. The power of the new servos is really something. For years I've "hard-coded" my own servo code to couple a rotation sensor to a gearmotor to do setpoint-based positioning for (...) (12 years ago, 22-Sep-12, to lugnet.robotics.nxt)
| | Re: Eureka! Problem Solving with LEGO Robotics
(...) (URL) ntspress.com> (12 years ago, 8-Sep-12, to lugnet.robotics, FTX)
| | Eureka! Problem Solving with LEGO Robotics
I'm happy to announce my book : Eureka! Problem Solving withe LEGO Robotics <link (URL) The book is intended for interested readers who wish to tackle demanding challenges from science and technology, and who want to be challenged by LEGO robotics (...) (12 years ago, 8-Sep-12, to lugnet.robotics, FTX)