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 Robotics / *48218 (-5)
  3D laser scanning
(URL) A simple addition: Focusable line laser + NXT sweeping mechanism + webcam + DAVID Laser scanner software + Sculptris + Meshlab + Stl2Dat + a lot of time = LDraw parts ! (URL) A few more details> on the process I use to create organic shaped (...) (14 years ago, 17-Nov-10, to lugnet.announce, lugnet.cad, lugnet.robotics, FTX) !! 
  Re: My latest project
(...) Nice work! It looks like it is only around 55 mm high. Is that correct? That's about 35 mm less than a Roomba. :-) Play well, Jacob (14 years ago, 15-Nov-10, to lugnet.robotics)
  My latest project
Hey folks, I've finished blogging about my latest project - Pulito. Basically a swiffer/roomba mashup that autonomously cleans hard surfaced floors. It an also seek out a charging base to recharge itself. Details: (URL) (14 years ago, 14-Nov-10, to lugnet.robotics)  
  Re: Machine Made of Lego Builds Anything You Want — Out of Lego
(...) Thanks John, that's really cool. BTW if anyone is having trouble with the page in that link, try this one instead: (URL). Also added a couple of other groups. ROSCO (14 years ago, 21-Oct-10, to lugnet.mediawatch, lugnet.technic, lugnet.robotics.nxt, FTX)
  autonomous boat project
The autonomous boat project that we started in April this year has reached the programming- and test phase. Enjoy at (URL) (14 years ago, 19-Oct-10, to lugnet.robotics)

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