| | Re: Robot Competition at BrickCon 2010
(...) Here are the results of the Robot Racing competition: Michael Schumacher Award (first place): Gus Jansson -- total time: 8:10 Jeff Gordon Award (second place): Steve Putz -- total time: 9:13 Dale Earnhardt Award (third place): Heidi Lovett -- (...) (14 years ago, 14-Oct-10, to lugnet.events.nwbrickcon, lugnet.robotics)
| | Re: LDraw Parts of HiTechnic Sensors and Multiplexers now available
An updated LDraw HiTechnic sensor pack is now available on the (URL) HiTechnic website>. The updated pack includes the two latest HiTechnic sensors: the Angle sensor and the Magnetic sensor. Here is the sensor lineup of what is included in the pack: (...) (14 years ago, 5-Oct-10, to lugnet.cad, lugnet.robotics, FTX)
| | Re: Announcing www.mindboards.net
It is a shame that the rich history of work and data is lost. Had it been a book I would have purchased a copy. I hope that the data can be retreived one day, or at the very least, Mindboards will fill the gap left behind. My thanks to those (...) (14 years ago, 5-Oct-10, to lugnet.robotics)
| | Re: Announcing www.mindboards.net
(...) continue! Jetro (14 years ago, 29-Sep-10, to lugnet.robotics)
| | Announcing www.mindboards.net
Some of you may be wondering what is going on with the nxtasy.org site. It's been down almost 2 weeks now. Attempts to contact the site owner have failed. The hosting company will not answer any questions about the site or provide access to the site (...) (14 years ago, 29-Sep-10, to lugnet.robotics)