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Review of set 7016, Viking Boat against the Wyvern Dragon
Newsgroups:, lugnet.castle
Wed, 29 Mar 2006 23:39:03 GMT
21222 times

    7016 Viking Boat vs. Wyvern Dragon
112 elements, 2 figures, US$10, 2005
LEGO > SYSTEM > Vikings

(Castle) System / Viking
Viking Boat against the Wyvern Dragon
Le bateau des Vikings contre le dragon

Ages7-14, 112 Pcs. (C)2005. 22 page manual: 2 models, 42 steps. Building time about 20 minutes.

Price Range: $10USD

RATINGS (Scale: Must-Have Excellent Very-Good Good Fair Poor)
Set: Good / Models: Good / Playability: Very-Good

DECALS? Yes. 1 Blue/White Quartered Pinwheel Viking Shield Sticker, 1 Red/Black Viking Shield Sticker, 1 Yellow/Black Pinwheel in Sixths Viking Shield Sticker, 1 Yellow/Black Quartered with Runes.

The Vikings are raiding England, and why not, they have some lovely coastal towns! But watch out, there’s a wyvern guarding THIS cliff, and it doesn’t look too happy to see you! The two Vikings are preparing to defend their small brown and red boat, while the dark blue and yellow wyvern flies overhead.

This set might be a good source of a few specific parts, but otherwise isn’t a giant parts find. Then again, it is only a $10 set. It’s the only source currently for a Navy Blue Animal Tail end and Wyvern Head piece, and the only current source for Red 1x3x2 Curved Top Arches. For non-brickish parts, it has a string, two flexible ‘Double Technic Axle Joiners” and a sheet with two Wyvern Dragon Wings (ala Ewok Glider wings).

I bought, built, and reviewed this set already knowing it would be my least favorite of the Viking line. Because of this, I’ll start with the standard gripes and not dwell on them. The helmets don’t stay on well, the KK2 sword is pretty poor (and beyond the design, the one in my set looked poorly made), the mast is the technicy half-finished looking type, and like some other wind-driven ships, this one is lacking its sail.

The Boat The boat is fairly average. Design-wise, the butting of two rowboats together is interesting, but not interesting enough to make the set. The joint between the two rowboats isn’t very aesthetically pleasing (the gap is obvious, and the dkgrey 4x6 plate doesn’t even attempt to hide by being red-brown), and is even a little silly in places (why are there gems hidden in there?)

The Wyvern The Wyvern was a tad disappointing, especially after having built Nidhogg (a more expensive set) and Fenris (a less expensive one). It lacks much articulation, and doesn’t gain a good sculpt in trade off. You could say it technically has 8 points of articulation, but 4 of those are for its silly looking feet, and one for its swivel-tail. The head only moves side to side, with no neck articulation, and the wings articulation comes from being in the rubber Technic Axle Joiners (which means no actual posing). The wings are the same thin transparent plastic as the Ewok Glider wings, and after only a few days of sitting around, the wings each have different curvatures to them, making my poor wyvern look even sillier.

The Box I just had to give this its own section, to help make this a thoroughly negative write-up. The box itself has a problem I haven’t seen before (but then again, I haven’t really looked at this part of too many sets). The alternate names for other languages are printed incorrectly, both showing the alternate names for the Viking Warrior Challenges the Fenris Wolf.

Like: Lots of little parts (15 horn pieces, the most bang for your buck yet)
Like: Good Navy builder
Dislike: All my generic dislikes (no sail, ugly mast, etc)
Dislike: Wyvern design

Overall, this set seems like an afterthought to fill the $10 price point and fill out the Viking line, and possibly to use up some parts they had a large stock of (though it’s unique elements help throw doubt on that theory). It’s a great set to get a bunch of little parts, but lots of those can be found elsewhere. I don’t regret buying the set, the picture on the front does a good job of telling you what you are getting (though it does hide the poor joining of the two rowboats very well). Would I recommend someone else buy this set? I would steer them towards either the Fenris Wolf or Ballista and Nidhogg Dragon sets before recommending this one.

Review Written: month day, year
By: Brett Kingery (plucky)
Age 30 Favorite Lines/Themes: Castle, Star Wars
CA++++ #+++ CO LM LS++ P+++ S- Hzl M- YB75mIC17

This review is Copyright 2006, by the author as named above. The author grants publication rights for all uses, public and private, with the following exceptions: all information in the document must be published in full; any for-profit use requires express written permission by the author for publication in full or in part.

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