Re: Article about Quatro, Duplo and System bricks compatibility
Mon, 14 Mar 2005 08:21:22 GMT
4921 times
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On Sun, 13 Mar 2005, Didier Enjary wrote:
I like it.
The incompatibility of Duplo 2x4s and Quatro is not really clear from the
photos. I only understood it because I've seen Quatro in person, and that
was almost the first thing we observed about it.
Something you don't cover is my pet peeve with Duplo/System
compatibility: 2x3 system bricks. When the 2x3 was redesigned with ribs
into the tubes, ribs were added to both tubes. This is clearly
uncessary---compare the 2x4, which has ribs for only the middle of its
three tubes. As a consequence of this change, modern 2x3s are
incompatible (from above) with Duplo. I find this obnoxious, and it is
the biggest hassle I encounter when working with Duplo.
A few notes about Baby (Primo): it is compatible with Duplo via
and Primo bricks do fit neatly onto Duplo studs (but with a
half-Duplo-stud offset). Primo has no clutch power.
There is another large brick system, Soft,
which (IIRC) is directly compatible with Primo.
TWS Garrison
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