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Re: RAILBRICKS Issue 4 is now available
Mon, 6 Oct 2008 22:52:20 GMT
18882 times
In lugnet.announce, Jeramy Spurgeon wrote:

RAILBRICKS 4 can now be downloaded from following links:

Standard Resolution download: (10.2 mb - Adobe Reader 5.0 or greater)

High Resolution download: (55.7 mb - Adobe Reader 5.0 or greater)

In this issue:
Brian Williams: The Royal Train
Building Brick Roads
BricWorX Instructions
DCC Primer
and much more.......

On-demand print issues are available for $14.25USD + shipping from:

It’s hard to believe that it has been over a year since our first release. It has been a great ride and we hope that you enjoy our latest effort.

Jeramy Spurgeon

What! No comments yet?

Excellent work guys. I’ve only skimmed it so far but what I skimmed was very fun. Good to see the Royal Train make a reappearance.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: RAILBRICKS Issue 4 is now available
(...) Thanks Tim. We appreciate the feedback. I just had to spotlight the Royal Train. It was one of those catalysts that got me back into LEGO Trains. -Jeramy (16 years ago, 9-Oct-08, to lugnet.publish.railbricks, FTX)

Message is in Reply To:
  RAILBRICKS Issue 4 is now available
(2 URLs) RAILBRICKS 4 can now be downloaded from following links: (URL) Standard Resolution download:> (10.2 mb - Adobe Reader 5.0 or greater) (URL) Resolution download:> (55.7 mb - Adobe Reader 5.0 or greater) In this issue: Brian Williams: The (...) (16 years ago, 3-Oct-08, to lugnet.announce, lugnet.publish.railbricks, lugnet.trains, lugnet.general, FTX) !! 

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