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RE: Nikon CoolPix 2100 Rating?
Thu, 24 Apr 2003 13:59:37 GMT
27 times
Adrian Drake writes:
Bram, as well as Troy Cefaratti, both have the Coolpix 995,
and I have the Coolpix 4500 (which is basically the 995's
followup).  They're the split-body design, and I love my
camera dearly.  They are more mid-to top of the line than the
camera that you're eying, Aaron, so the featureset clearly
isn't the same. But when you're spending 3 times as much on
the thing, you'd expect a little more.

Actually, I have the 990, which is one model earlier than the 995.  Troy
is using a Canon EOS D10 these days.  I'm quite happy with all the
features on my camera...manual/automatic focus, f-stop, shutter speed,
white balance, flash, etc.  The swivel body also comes in handy often.
However, the 990 is pretty bulky and heavy.

One thing to watch out for, if you're interested in
photographing extreme closeups of small creations, you'll
want a camera with a good macro zoom.  The 4500 can go as
close as 3/4 of an inch when in macro mode.  I don't know
what the 2100 can do, as the page you posted didn't specify
whether it has a macro mode or not.

I think the 2100 is the one used by the lab I work in.  It does have a
macro mode, and it takes great pictures of our small robot parts.  Not
sure what other features it has though...I haven't used it a whole lot.

Assuming that the 2100 interfaces with a PC the same as the
4500 does, you won't need any additional cardreaders or
anything crazy like that.  When it's plugged in and properly
configured, it'll see the camera as removeable hard drive,
basically.  You'll be able to copy images off the camera with ease.


One thing you might think about getting is 1) an AC power
cord and 2) an extra battery.  My 4500 sucks the battery
charge like crazy, so I'm always running out of juice
(especially when I forget to turn the camera off when I'm
done transferring images, which is something I frequently
do).  Again, the 2100 is less feature rich, so it may not
chew through the power as quickly, but they're still good
things to have.

I'm pretty sure the 2100 eats batteries just like every other Nikon.
Thankfully, the 990 uses AA's, so i have several sets of rechargeable
NiMH AAs that I can pop in when I forget to turn the camera off when
it's plugged in to my computer.

There are a couple things I wish my camera did better:
A bigger zoom would be great for non-Lego pictures
The autofocus is kind of slow, making it hard to take pictures of moving
The red-eye reduction doesn't really work.  Part of that problem was
fixed in the 995 by moving the flash, but I don't know how well it works
on the 2100.

You'll probably also want to invest in a bigger compact flash card so
you can take more pictures.  16 MB doesn't hold much.

Bram Lambrecht

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Nikon CoolPix 2100 Rating?
(...) Well, whatever it is Troy is using, here is a picture of it as well as a picture of how it pictures-- (URL) C. (22 years ago, 24-Apr-03, to lugnet.castle,,

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Nikon CoolPix 2100 Rating?
(...) Bram, as well as Troy Cefaratti, both have the Coolpix 995, and I have the Coolpix 4500 (which is basically the 995's followup). They're the split-body design, and I love my camera dearly. They are more mid-to top of the line than the camera (...) (22 years ago, 24-Apr-03, to lugnet.castle,,

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