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 Publishing / Brick Journal / 145
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Re: Three cheers for Joe Meno
lugnet.general, lugnet.publish.brickjournal
Fri, 16 Feb 2007 18:32:48 GMT
232 times
In lugnet.general, Maarten Steurbaut wrote:
   A while back, Joe asked me to write an article for the new BrickJournal issue.
I know how much time I spent on just this one article. Just try to imagine how much time he spents on bringing all articles together in a more than 100 pages magazine.

Hat off to Joe! Good job. (and I don’t think anybody cares that the magazine appears a few weeks later as planned)


I do need to get that scheduling thing figured out.

I needed the hint, though :-)!


Message is in Reply To:
  Three cheers for Joe Meno
A while back, Joe asked me to write an article for the new BrickJournal issue. I know how much time I spent on just this one article. Just try to imagine how much time he spents on bringing all articles together in a more than 100 pages magazine. (...) (18 years ago, 15-Feb-07, to lugnet.general, lugnet.publish.brickjournal, FTX) ! 

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