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 Publishing / 874
    Re: web page in frames —Larry Pieniazek
   (...) Didn't we have this debate already? I'm on the other side of the fence from you on this. Nothing has changed since the last time I listed my reasons. (26 years ago, 11-Sep-99, to lugnet.publish)
        Re: web page in frames —Matthew Miller
   (...) Hmm, I don't remember. Possible though. Sorry if we're just rehashing. (26 years ago, 11-Sep-99, to lugnet.publish)
        Re: web page in frames —Larry Pieniazek
   Hash away. Something may have changed and it's good education for those that weren't here to hear both sides. I just feel, as I did before (and my post was shorthand for the longer version) that most anything you could do with frames can be done (...) (26 years ago, 12-Sep-99, to lugnet.publish)

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