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Re: RailBricks Issue 1
Wed, 3 Oct 2007 22:43:07 GMT
19233 times
In lugnet.publish, Ronald Vallenduuk wrote:
   In lugnet.announce, Erik Amzallag wrote:
   On behalf of Jeramy Spurgeon,

Greetings all!

I’m proud to announce the release of the premiere issue of RailBricks!


How ironic to launch on the day when 9V is declared dead...

Still I’m happy to see the release of the first issue. I’ve been looking forward to it ever since I spotted the first picture on Brickshelf back in April. Does this mean the forum on the site will also go live one of these days?


Hi Ronald!

Thanks for the compliments.

It may seem a bit ironic that the release of the first issue coincided with the 9V announcement, but it was by accident, really. I had planned to launch the magazine two weeks ago, but was then asked to hold the fisrt release so that the announcement could be included.

The Railbricks team has discussed the idea of having a forum on the website, but felt that there were other websites that were better suited to have train forums, such as here on lugnet, or eventually ILTCO.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: RailBricks Issue 1
(...) <snip> How ironic to launch on the day when 9V is declared dead... Still I'm happy to see the release of the first issue. I've been looking forward to it ever since I spotted the first picture on Brickshelf back in April. Does this mean the (...) (17 years ago, 1-Oct-07, to lugnet.publish, FTX)

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