Re: Bricks? Magazine Announcements: Charter Subscription Offer and Preview Sneak Peek
Mon, 17 Mar 2003 19:51:42 GMT
2032 times
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In lugnet.publish, Bruce Hietbrink writes:
> Matthew,
> I've just printed out my order form to mail in, but I had one question. If
> I had previously signed up for the free first issue, does this subscription
> kick in after that, or will I get two of the first issue? If I'd get two,
> is there a way to cancel the freebie just to save you a little money?
> Bruce
Hi Bruce -
The free offer and the subscription are two separate offers. If you
subscribe for the charter subscription, that does not affect your free
sample issue. Subscribing does not put you in for two free issues.
Thanks for the kind offer, though :-)
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