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Re: Brickshelf bug: files ending in .jpeg
Sat, 9 Mar 2002 23:32:32 GMT
1211 times
In lugnet.publish, William R. Ward writes:
"Kevin Loch" <> writes:
In lugnet.publish, William R. Ward writes:
Brickshelf has a bug where it does not recognize ".jpeg" as an image
type when you click on the pictures, so it doesn't display them in a
Brickshelf window.  However, it does recognize it for the purposes of
generating a thumbnail.  See this example:

There is a simple solution to that.  Use the .jpg extension.

I do.  But the person who posted the page that I referred to didn't.

Please note: If Brickshelf LLC is going to try to have a go as a
for-profit venture, a different level of customer service is going to
be expected.

What level of service should I provide?  Should I rename the file
for him?


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Brickshelf bug: files ending in .jpeg
(...) Couldn't you just add .jpeg to the list of recognized image file extensions? Seems the easiest solution to me. (23 years ago, 10-Mar-02, to lugnet.publish)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Brickshelf bug: files ending in .jpeg
(...) I do. But the person who posted the page that I referred to didn't. Please note: If Brickshelf LLC is going to try to have a go as a for-profit venture, a different level of customer service is going to be expected. --Bill. (23 years ago, 9-Mar-02, to lugnet.publish)

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