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Need some space for some movies.
lugnet.publish, lugnet.general
Wed, 20 Jun 2001 19:41:55 GMT
1711 times
Hello fellow LUGNETers,

I'm in kind of a dilemna.  My site,, in in need of
some space for movies.  Specifically, I have several movies I have made, and
more I would like to host.

I'm wondering if anyone reading this has some extra space on their server
they would like to share.  If you can give it to me for free, I would be
most appreciative (as Brickfilms is currently 100% non-profit).  I would of
course feature any site you have on my main page.  This would be a great way
to drive up hits on your site if you have lots of extra space you don't use.

As an alternative, if someone would be willing to sell me some REALLY cheap
space, that would work too.  I don't need to actively update the files (I
won't be storing the site there), just store several megs of movies there.
So I dont' need any kind of web authoring package, or java support, or help
with cgi, or any other crap liek that.  Just space to store.

So, if you would like to help me out, or know someone who can, please
contact me at:

Thanks a lot,

Jason Rowoldt, founder of

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