| | Re: Can they do like this? Larry Pieniazek
| | Wow! Thanks for that pointer. That was interesting indeed. So in your considered opinion, when Lego requests that Lego not appear in domain names of fannish sites, are they harboring a valid concern? Similarity is higher than in the Hasbro case, but (...) (25 years ago, 28-Jan-00, to lugnet.publish, lugnet.general)
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| |  | | Re: Can they do like this? Frank Filz
| | | | (...) From what I read there, TLC's claims for LEGO are very different, for at least two reasons: 1. LEGO is not a common word 2. Fan web sites are about the same product (25 years ago, 28-Jan-00, to lugnet.publish, lugnet.general)
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| |  | | Re: Can they do like this? Mark Cornell
| | | | (...) I guess the answer depends upon the domain name (I waffle just like a real lawyer :)). Clearly www.legos.com and www.lego.org would both be a problem using the "likelihood of confusion" test. Both of those domain names could draw internet (...) (25 years ago, 1-Feb-00, to lugnet.publish, lugnet.general)
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| | | |  | | Re: Can they do like this? Jonathan Wilson
| | | | (...) Speaking of online casions the easy to eliminate them is for the us government to just ban ads for online casions. The casinos rely on ads for their customers and most of the large advertisment providers with the big exposure that the casinos (...) (25 years ago, 2-Feb-00, to lugnet.publish, lugnet.general)
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| | | |  | | Re: Can they do like this? Larry Pieniazek
| | | | | (...) Except the casino owners who are, after all, engaged in a legitimate business, in a country where it is legal, and who now have been impacted. If you really think this is a good idea, there's not much more I can say. There is nothing (...) (25 years ago, 1-Feb-00, to lugnet.publish, lugnet.general, lugnet.off-topic.debate)
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| | | |  | | Re: Can they do like this? Mark Cornell
| | | | (...) nondeceptive, advertising. To ban speech based upon the content of the speech, the governmental regulation must pass the the the least restrictive method of advancing an important governmental objective (or something like that, I haven't (...) (25 years ago, 1-Feb-00, to lugnet.publish, lugnet.general)
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