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 Promotional / *960 (-5)
  Re: New European Quik promo set seen on eBay
(...) 4049 from 1991. Grahame (22 years ago, 26-Jul-02, to, lugnet.admin.database)
  Re: American Flag Promo
(...) They were selling those in front of the Big Shop during BricksWest too. (22 years ago, 26-Jul-02, to
  American Flag Promo
In from LegoLand CA. During the 4th of July, LegoLand CA had a promotional Americal Flag set. A bagged and instructions, with a 50 star sticker. Built from mainly 2x6, 2x8, and 2x10 bricks, it measures roughly 4x6 when finished. These were sold (...) (22 years ago, 26-Jul-02, to
  Re: New European Quik promo set seen on eBay
Looks like the camera buggy is the same as in the Studio Coke Promo from Japan 2001. Set #4067 (...) (22 years ago, 26-Jul-02, to

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