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 Promotional / *956 (-5)
  Re: New European Quik promo set seen on eBay
Looks like the camera buggy is the same as in the Studio Coke Promo from Japan 2001. Set #4067 (...) (22 years ago, 26-Jul-02, to
  Re: New European Quik promo set seen on eBay
"TWS Garrison" <> wrote in message (...) bunny. (...) I noticed that too. I'll contact the buyer or seller to see if they can determine the set number. Huw (22 years ago, 25-Jul-02, to, lugnet.admin.database)
  Re: New European Quik promo set seen on eBay
(...) It looks like there are a few more pieces than 4051+4052+4053. . .unfortunately, it doesn't seem to have a visible set number. -- TWS Garrison (URL) capital letters in address for direct reply. (22 years ago, 25-Jul-02, to, lugnet.admin.database)
  New European Quik promo set seen on eBay
It's not my auction - only for the record, and for Huw's database... (URL) "studios" set with the Director, a cameraman, and the Nestle Quik bunny. Please forgive any inappropriate groups posted to - followups set to .promo Paul Sinasohn LUGNET #115 (22 years ago, 25-Jul-02, to,,
  Re: My Thoughts on BrickFest 2002
(...) (URL) latter is Soccer / Promotional / Coca-Cola, part of a wide range of related sets available in Japan---Brickset might have more info (URL) Masahiro Sekiguchi has pictures (URL) Garrison Remove spamblock for direct reply. . . (22 years ago, 23-Jul-02, to lugnet.gaming,, lugnet.admin.database)

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