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 Promotional / *931 (-5)
  New Promo & Commemorative Duplo Brick Gallery
Continuing to have fun with the camera Santa brought me at Christmas, I finally got around to taking some pictures of my collection of Promo bricks and putting them on Brickshelf. The link to the gallery is: (URL) naming these pictures I included (...) (23 years ago, 9-Feb-02, to lugnet.general, lugnet.duplo,
  Re: New 3426 Adidas Team Transport found at WalMart
(...) $20US + a few dollars sales tax. WM appears to be stocking them into most stores at this time. About half the stores I was in yesterday had them. Ray (23 years ago, 9-Feb-02, to,
  Re: New 3426 Adidas Team Transport found at WalMart
(...) Sounds groovy... so who wants to send me one? ;P How much are they btw??? If osmeone could kindy score me one, that would be great. My boys would have a 'ball' with that set! Thanks... Mel ( (23 years ago, 9-Feb-02, to,
  Re: New 3426 Adidas Team Transport found at WalMart
(...) BTW, these are beginning to appear in WMs in north Florida. I noticed it in two WMs yesterday. Ray (23 years ago, 5-Feb-02, to lugnet.sports,,
  New 3426 Adidas Team Transport found at WalMart
Hi, I found this set at my local WalMart. It is not in the Lugnet or Brickset database and I have never seen any mention of it before. It is an Adidas version of the Red Team Transport. I have put pictures of it on Brickshelf. Sorry they are not (...) (23 years ago, 2-Feb-02, to lugnet.sports,,

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