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 Promotional / *816 (-5)
  Re: New Quaker Oats Studios/Pirates Promo
I still have a load of packets that I was collecting from the Mars promo. This one has some useable minifigs. Rose "Rob Doucette" <> wrote in message (...) chalice, (...) 15 (...) (23 years ago, 14-Aug-01, to
  Re: New Quaker Oats Studios/Pirates Promo
(...) That was my first impression. (...) Only 15 packs per set, not as bad as the LoM promo. -Rob. (23 years ago, 13-Aug-01, to
  Re: New Quaker Oats Studios/Pirates Promo
(...) Hey! Is the cameraman's face actually the female astronaut from Spaceport? If it is, I'm going to be eating a lot of oatmeal in the near future... Steve (23 years ago, 13-Aug-01, to
  New Quaker Oats Studios/Pirates Promo
Box scans are at: (URL) the Treasure Hunt Kit, the set contains Red Beard, skeleton, Director, Cameraperson, pick, shovel, treasure chest, coins, clear chalice, camera w/stand, and clapper board(?). MSRP $5.99, this one only requires 15 oatmeal (...) (23 years ago, 11-Aug-01, to, lugnet.general)  
  Trade for CocaCola Promotional sets and McDonalds Bionicle Sets
Would any one be willing to trade me a complete set (or fairly complete set) of the Coca-Cola promotional LEGO Studios Jurasic Park III sets for several of the McDonald's Bionicle LEGO sets coming out in September. I realize there are several pieces (...) (23 years ago, 1-Aug-01, to

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