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  Re: New Shell promos... where?
(...) I am not aware of any Shell promos that are currrently underway. Some stations may have "left-overs" from a couple of promos that went on last year. The most recent Shell promotion of which I was aware was during the Thanksgiving/Christmas (...) (24 years ago, 19-Mar-01, to
  New Shell promos... where?
Does anyone know if Shell is currently running any LEGO promos? If so, where? A few of the Shell stations here in the Atlanta area never heard of such a thing. Thanks for any help anyone can offer. (24 years ago, 18-Mar-01, to
  Re: Dannon Danimals yogurt LEGO promotion
(...) Well, congrats! I saw some of that made it into my shopping cart, I do not know how it got there, I was the only one shopping that day, hmmmm - oh well, I did not win anything, but the yogurt was ok, not sure about the cany stuff they have in (...) (24 years ago, 28-Feb-01, to
  Re: LEGO at McDonald's, 2001
(...) Simple solution for concerned parents: specifically ask for the LEGO toy. In previous years, when McD's would run their Hot Wheels/Barbie promotion, my two sons would request that one of their meals have a "boy toy" and the other get a "girl (...) (24 years ago, 23-Feb-01, to
  Re: LEGO at McDonald's, 2001
(...) The boy-toy/girl-toy pairing is even more discouraging than I thought. I had heard of Diva Starz but not known any background so looked it up on the net. Seems to be teenage girls learning how to hang out in the mall and shop for fashions. So (...) (24 years ago, 22-Feb-01, to, lugnet.general)

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