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 Promotional / *660 (-5)
  Re: Honda / Technic promotion
(...) Hi all! #1237 is available on 4 January 2001 This set is not for sale. Set will be distributed to customer for promotion in the Honda shop. Hiroumi (24 years ago, 2-Jan-01, to, lugnet.technic)
  Honda / Technic promotion
A promotional model of the Honda Asimo robot is to be available in Japan soon. (URL) to Hiroumi Fujimi for the info, who states it will be available "1/4/2001", by which I think he means this week and not 1st April. Huw (24 years ago, 1-Jan-01, to, lugnet.technic)
  Re: Legoland California Gift Box model
The breakfast with Ms. Claus ended on Dec. 24th. At the time I asked the lead or supervisor/manager who was very friendly and was willing to look in the back, where they found some. Maybe I was just lucky... (...) ask (...) will (...) (24 years ago, 31-Dec-00, to, lugnet.legoland.california, lugnet.general)
  Re: Legoland California Gift Box model
If you got the box during the day then I think you got lucky. I was unable to get to legoland in time for the dine with Ms. Clause breakfast (I drove up at 11:15). I went to the fun town restraunt while my son was doing the driving school and asked (...) (24 years ago, 31-Dec-00, to, lugnet.legoland.california, lugnet.general)
  Re: Legoland California Gift Box model
If anyone lives near LLC, can they pick up 5-10 of these sets for me? I just can't see driving 1000 miles roundtrip for them. (...) -- | Tom Stangl, Technical Support Netscape Communications Corp | Please do not associate my personal views with my (...) (24 years ago, 28-Dec-00, to, lugnet.legoland.california, lugnet.general)

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