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  Re: R2-D2 from Target Stores
Last I heard in my store the R2D2 had not been given away because Lego or Target HQ hadn't sent us the answer supposedly. Then it dissapeared. I don't know if they ended up giving it away, somebody swiped it, or they threw it in the compactor which (...) (25 years ago, 6-Jul-00, to
  R2-D2 from Target Stores
While surfing, I can across this link: (URL) has a story of a person who won 6 of the R2-D2 12" promotions from the Target stores and it mentions that people interested in purchasing one can contact her. Scott (25 years ago, 6-Jul-00, to
  Re: First scans: German Telekom "Tour de France" sets
(...) I saw them at VEDES toy shops. Arnold (25 years ago, 6-Jul-00, to
  Re: First scans: German Telekom "Tour de France" sets
What type of "local shop" sells these Telekom sets? Toy shop? Telekom shop? Thanks. best regards, James Mathis (...) (25 years ago, 5-Jul-00, to
  Re: Next Kabaya sets
I'm Going to Japan again in two weeks. Anyone want some of these? They are $8.00 U.S. (to US) including cost, tax, handling, shipping etc. Let me know... -Phil (...) (25 years ago, 3-Jul-00, to, lugnet.technic)

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