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 Promotional / *1130 (-10)
  Collectible minifig barcode scanner for android
If comparing barcodes with your bare eyes isn't for you, and you're lucky enough to have an android phone, you may want to use it to do the work for you. See full instructions there: (URL). It's a lot of text, as I'm too lazy to do illustrations, so (...) (15 years ago, 13-May-10, to
  New Maersk Line promo 10152 ship, anything else new from Maersk
Finally I think I can get my hands on one of these 'third generation' 10152s, has anyone heard of any other new Maersk promos available? was really hoping they would re-release a new truck of some sort. (18 years ago, 15-Feb-07, to
  Re: LLCA Promobrick program on hold
(...) Look what i found on the above site! Quote We are happy to announce that we have reinstated our Commemorative Brick program! The next bricks available will be for Holiday Block Party and Kids' New Year's Eve. Unquote Ludo (18 years ago, 28-Nov-06, to lugnet.legoland.california,, FTX)
  Re: LLCA Promobrick program on hold
(...) Well, between that and the price of gas, there's no reason for me to be a LLCA passmember anymore. Darrell (19 years ago, 22-Apr-06, to lugnet.legoland.california,, FTX)
  LLCA Promobrick program on hold
The Spring 2006 passholder newsletter "Brick By Brick" says the following: "Unfortunately, due to international production issues, the 2006 Commemorative Brick series has been suspended until further notice" It says you can sign up for further (...) (19 years ago, 22-Apr-06, to lugnet.legoland.california,, FTX)
  Promo Production Suspended???
I just got my LL-CA newsletter today and found this- "Unfortunately, due to international production issues, the 2006 Commerative Brick series has been suspended until further notice." What gives??? Adr. (19 years ago, 20-Apr-06, to
  Re: No sign of 2928 ...
[ ... snipped ... ] (...) [ ... snipped ... ] Sterling Blue didn't have 2928 or 4032 but they did have 4778 on my flight this morning! (URL) only had two copies on board so I picked them both up. Mike (19 years ago, 18-Mar-06, to
  Re: No sign of 2928 ...
"Mike Walsh" <> wrote in message (...) Doh! The airline is Sterling Blue who I have never heard of! Mike (19 years ago, 17-Mar-06, to
  No sign of 2928 ...
I am in Europe this week for work and have traveled on a couple European airlines. I can confirm that 2928 is NOT available on either American, SAS or Estonian Air. SAS does not have 4032 any more either, they currently have a Magnetix kit in their (...) (19 years ago, 17-Mar-06, to
  Re: Interesting Maersk Tidbit
Wonder what this will do to values on 1831 Maersk truck/container kits. I have a few original Maersk only ones, of course more valuable once they renamed themselves, but maybe worthless now since they will have to re-release them again. Maersk (...) (19 years ago, 8-Feb-06, to

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