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  Re: Interesting Maersk Tidbit
Wonder what this will do to values on 1831 Maersk truck/container kits. I have a few original Maersk only ones, of course more valuable once they renamed themselves, but maybe worthless now since they will have to re-release them again. Maersk (...) (19 years ago, 8-Feb-06, to
  Re: Interesting Maersk Tidbit
(...) heh - I doubt they will even bother with it. I see the containers all the time going up and down the 805/5 on the way to Legoland and I would say about half of them do not say 'Sealand' on it. Example is here: (URL) you can tell by the BS file (...) (19 years ago, 8-Feb-06, to
  Re: Interesting Maersk Tidbit
(...) More info on Maersk here: (URL) (19 years ago, 8-Feb-06, to  
  Re: Interesting Maersk Tidbit
(...) We'll see how long it takes them to repaint all the Maersk Sealand containers in the world. (19 years ago, 8-Feb-06, to
  Interesting Maersk Tidbit
Just read this over on the BrickLink forum: "Another unrelated note on International Shipping companies. Maersk Sealand (the world's largest) will officially change their name back to Maersk Line effective next week. The change is a result of (...) (19 years ago, 8-Feb-06, to

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