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  Malaysian air has also released 4032 promos
Never seen before on BrickLink, just happened across it on eBay, and MINE, ALL MINE!! Just a heads up for anyone collecting these (19 years ago, 22-Jan-06, to
  Re: Did anyone get a Gold 50th promo brick?
(...) I have been told two different stories for this brick. First story was - they never got to the park, the shipment was delayed and they do not know where it is. Second story is that the bricks did get to the park on time but did not meet the (...) (19 years ago, 21-Jan-06, to, lugnet.legoland.california)
  Re: Did anyone get a Gold 50th promo brick?
(...) Our family was last at LLCA on New Years Eve, and there was still no sign of the 50th anniversary bricks. The Holiday Block Party and New Years Eve bricks were available on the dates published in the pass holder newsletter. The story I heard (...) (19 years ago, 7-Jan-06, to
  Did anyone get a Gold 50th promo brick?
Went down to LLCA several weeks ago and they didn't have them yet.. Bummer. Went down again for the holiday block party and they still didn't have them. I got a story about how they "had to be shipped from Denmark" and hadn't arrived yet. Also how (...) (19 years ago, 5-Jan-06, to
  I´m in search of promoset 4032 from ANA and SWISS
I`m in search of this both promo sets. I can change with the promoset 4032 from AUSTRIAN AIRLINES or LAUDA AIR. we also can change only the stickers from the sets. greatings from Austria - Gerhard (19 years ago, 16-Sep-05, to

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