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 Promotional / *1111 (-5)
  I´m in search of 5999
I´m in search of the knights kingdom promoset 5999. I can change with knights kingdom promoset 5994 or 5998. greatings from Austria - Gerhard (19 years ago, 16-Sep-05, to
  Re: Turns One Year Old!
(...) Shhh ;) That is another reason the forums are not linked to from the site as of yet. But thanks for the heads up - typos love meeeee. M (19 years ago, 10-Sep-05, to lugnet.duplo,, FTX)
  Re: Turns One Year Old!
(...) There's a typo in the description of one of the forums - I'll leave it as a challenge for you to find it ;) ROSCO (19 years ago, 10-Sep-05, to lugnet.duplo,, FTX) Turns One Year Old!
It is with GREAT joy that today I celebrate the one year mark for (URL)>. In the last year the popularity of these bricks has risen to an all-time high with countless new collectors of these great limited edition bricks! The list of (...) (19 years ago, 10-Sep-05, to lugnet.announce, lugnet.duplo,, FTX)  
  Life cereal promo
Quaker Oats is running a Lego set promo with its Life cereals in conjunction with TLG's 50th anniversary efforts. More info can be found here: (URL) also have boxes with rebates for $5 off a $25 Lego purchase: (URL) my kids like Life and I still (...) (19 years ago, 28-Aug-05, to

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