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 Promotional / *1100 (-5)
  Re: PodBrix Minifig
(...) Dang, that was quick! Don't blink, he's gone. - Kelly (20 years ago, 8-Feb-05, to
  Re: PodBrix Minifig
(...) Wow, I am getting "already sold out"...... awww...www!!!! He rocks! Okay that was a lame pun, my apologies. Janey "Red Brick" (20 years ago, 8-Feb-05, to
  Re: PodBrix Minifig
(...) appreciate it. I wonder if the minifig is all black plastic, or if it's just painted? If it's just painted, I can save myself about $14.99 of the $16.99... - Kelly (20 years ago, 7-Feb-05, to
  PodBrix Minifig
PodBrix Minifig - 1K Brix $16.99 limited numbered edition of 300 (URL) (20 years ago, 7-Feb-05, to
  2005 LLCA
LLCA will coninue the commemorative brick program in 2005. And from the looks of all the (URL) events> going on - they have a good amount of bricks to make. Here is the first set of bricks for 2005: (URL) M (20 years ago, 26-Jan-05, to lugnet.legoland.california,, FTX)

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