| | Re: New (old) promo found (1601)
Hallo! Haha! I accidentally searched for "1601" right now and I found this posting. Happy fifth anniversary! (...) Pics can be found here (Credits to Heiko Baum): (URL) are from an a 1976 Vedes catalogue. Vedes is a ring of toystores in Germany. (...) (20 years ago, 20-Sep-04, to lugnet.promo)
| | Re: 4032 - EL AL Promo Airplane
(...) Hi all I'm selling one of the ELAL planes on EBay (I'll try to get some more but not to sure yet). (URL) Yaron Dori (20 years ago, 18-Sep-04, to lugnet.promo, lugnet.market.auction, lugnet.market.buy-sell-trade, lugnet.town, lugnet.loc.il, lugnet.general, FTX)
| | Re: Announcing the opening of PromoBricks.com
(...) Hey Mark. The new website looks great! You have single-handedly created a buy/sell/trade market for promo bricks. I had wondered why the LoB promo brick section wasn't being updated as regularly. I'll look forward to updates on (...) (20 years ago, 11-Sep-04, to lugnet.promo, lugnet.duplo, lugnet.legoland.california, lugnet.legoland.deutschland, FTX)
| | Announcing the opening of PromoBricks.com
I am pleased to announce the opening of my new website (URL) PromoBricks.com>! As many of you know, I have had a list of my collection of the bricks up on (URL) Land Of Bricks> - but with the re-design and re-focusing of LoB (more on this later) and (...) (20 years ago, 10-Sep-04, to lugnet.announce, lugnet.promo, lugnet.duplo, lugnet.legoland.california, lugnet.legoland.deutschland, lugnet.general, FTX) !!
| | Re: LLCA: You pick the design for a Duplo Commemorative Brick
(...) The voting page is still up at this time, but the voting must be over because the brick is now being given out! The winning brick was "The Dragon" (URL) I was told what design won I was having nice thoughts of a green brick - or even a (...) (20 years ago, 10-Sep-04, to lugnet.legoland.california, lugnet.promo)
| | Re: 4032 - EL AL Promo Airplane
(...) It's possible to get it through MyTravel Airways (at least in Denmark). Don't have one my self though... :-( Kecia www.brickportal.com (20 years ago, 2-Aug-04, to lugnet.promo)
| | Re: 4032 - EL AL Promo Airplane
(...) Hi As far as I know the only 3 airlines that have this plane are the 3 you mantioned though every airline got it's own unique stickers. Yaron Dori (20 years ago, 2-Aug-04, to lugnet.promo)
| | Re: 4032 - EL AL Promo Airplane
(...) i want one!!! (20 years ago, 2-Aug-04, to lugnet.promo)
| | Re: Win LEGO! (at Burger King)
(...) I know what you mean... :) I was at one in NY state. I don't know how far reaching the contest goes. Benjamin Medinets (20 years ago, 16-Jul-04, to lugnet.promo)
| | Re: Win LEGO! (at Burger King)
(...) Geography? US, Canada, just NY, just ON? Thanks. Not sure it's enough to convince me to eat there again but that's a different topic... (20 years ago, 16-Jul-04, to lugnet.general, lugnet.promo)